4 Ways to Save Money in Italy

If you’re traveling to Italy, you’re already spending a pretty penny. It’s important to know that there are costs associated with a big European trip, of course, but there are ways to save a few dollars, or Euros, here or there.

Stay Outside the City

Rather than staying in one of the biggest cities in Italy, it is less expensive to stay outside the city. There are many charming towns and villages within thirty minutes of Rome, Venice and Florence. Consider booking a room in a small inn or bed and breakfast in those towns and traveling into the city during the day. That will also give you a good jumping off place for the rest of your travels later in the trip.

Travel in the Spring

The spring, or the fall, is the least expensive time to travel to Italy while still leaving you able to enjoy nice weather. It won’t be as hot in the cities or countryside and there will be far fewer tourists milling about. The prime tourist season is in the summer months. If you’re willing to chance the cold and weather, you may find even better deals in the colder winter months – although not around the holidays necessarily.

Eat Big During the Day

The meals at noon are much less expensive than the meals in the evenings. Rather than paying the full premium dinner prices, try to eat your bigger restaurant meals during the lunch hours and then have a picnic, grab a pizza or eat other light fare in the evening hours. There is also quite a bit to be had by shopping in the markets for bread, fruit and other treats. You’ll also have a good opportunity to mingle with the Italians this way as well.

Leave the Big Destinations Behind

There’s no rule saying you have to spend your entire vacation in the large cities. Spend a day or two in the big ones, and then get off the beaten track. Head out into the countryside to find rustic inns, beautiful scenery and more authentic experiences than the main touristy cities like Rome and Venice.

There is a lot to see in virtually all areas of Italy, in every season.  Any time that you travel in the country, you’re bound to see and experience something new.