PINTURICCHIO in Perugia and Spello from February 2nd to June 29th 2008

Pintoricchio Self-PortraitPINTORICCHIO in Perugia and Spello from February 2nd to June 29th 2008

By celebrating the 550th anniversary of the birth of Bernardino di Betto, better known as Pinturicchio (or Pintoricchio), the initiative dedicated to him and patronised by the Italian Culture Ministry in collaboration with Regione Umbria, Provincia di Perugia, Comune di Perugia, Comune di Spello and the Cassa Risparmio Perugia foundation, aims to renew the curiosity of both public and critics for one of the leading artists of the Italian Renaissance – considered a symbol of Perugia – as well as in the artistic heritage of Umbria as a whole.

The programme of the event has been drawn up by a scientific committee of internationally acclaimed academics and experts under the direction of Vittoria Garibaldi, and will revolve around a major exhibition that will be held in the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria in Perugia. The exhibition will have a special complementary and satellite venue in Spello, in the chapel known as the “Cappella Bella” – considered to be Pinturicchio’s masterpiece – in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Newly installed lighting for the Cappella Bella will be inaugurated for the exhibition, as well as a detailed didactic system for the presentation of the historical, artistic, iconographic and technical aspects of this priceless cycle of paintings. The city of Spello has organised special lodgings to cope with the extra influx of tourists, as well as a series of theatrical performances and guided tours.

Special attention has been devoted to the ‘rediscovery’ of traces of Pinturicchio in the surrounding area, with itineraries that will extend to sights in other Umbrian towns such as Trevi (Complesso Museale di San Francesco), Spoleto (Duomo), Orvieto (Duomo), Città di Castello (Museo del Duomo), San Martino in Colle di Perugia (Church of the Madonna del Feltro) and Spello (Church of Sant’Andrea).

Further information : Pinturicchio Wikipedia and (in Italian)